In the News

Desire' Elliott and the EMERGE Program

Posted on May 21, 2024 at 16:04 PM

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, our latest Team Member and Program Highlight is on Desire' Elliott, LMSW and the EMERGE Program!

EMERGE provides Coordinated Specialty Care services, meaning wraparound services for youth ages 16-30 who are experiencing first episode psychosis. The goals of EMERGE include early detection of psychosis, rapid access to coordinated, team-based, specialty care, recovery-focused interventions, services that emphasize engagement, person-centered planning, shared decision making, assertive outreach, and family involvement.

Desire' has been leading our EMERGE Program for almost two years and has been with New Horizons as a whole for almost four years. When asked what her favorite part of working in EMERGE is, she says "everything."

"I love the program," Desire' says, "and I love that my team and I are not put in a box when we provide services to the individuals in the program. We are able to meet them literally where they are, whether that's in clinic, in their homes, or where their interests are."

Desire' has been able to witness firsthand the positive impact the EMERGE Program has had on the youth who has graduated from the program. Several of the individuals have found employment, are living independently, and are able to maintain connections with their support systems.

"I appreciate working alongside team members and leaders who want to see our individuals be better and do better," Desire' says. "We are actually building better lives."

We are so thankful to have Desire' leading our EMERGE Program! If you want to learn more, you can contact her directly at (706) 580-4893 or

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